Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Just wanted to take a moment to use my blog for the power of good, not evil.  

Well, its good for my family anyway.  Please take a moment to vote for my little brother Charlie to win a $5,000 college scholarship from Hood.  Please help send him to college so that he can get rich and take care of me later on in life.  And the best news is-you can vote for him every day until March 15th! YAY!

Please pass this link on to all your friends and everyone in your network.  Charlie will be attending St. Lawrence University (not as good as Trinity but we're still very proud of him) in the fall and it is a ridiculously expensive school.  We know how ridiculously expensive the school is because my sister Molly already goes there.  SLU is sucking my parents dry.  Every bit helps so please vote for Charlie! And then vote for him the next day, and the day after, and the day after that and so on an so forth.

Here is the link to vote!

Also, I changed the blog background to the hearts yesterday in honor of Valentine's Day, but I'm kind of digging them so I think they will be sticking around for a while :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Whit,

    Voted for Charlie. Really awesome little blurb he wrote. =) Can't promise to vote everyday but I'll try to do it regularly. Hi to your family!
