
Ahhh me, my most favorite subject to go on and on about, but I promise I'll try and keep it short.  I'm a 24 (for the time being) year old living in Portsmouth, NH.  I'm an aspiring writer who is currently working in the field of privacy (even though I have no concept of it what-so-ever), who also moonlights as a JV volleyball coach for PHS (go clippers!)  I love ponies, baking, and anything sparkly.  I have an unnatural obsession with country music and Harry Potter, and I abhor scary movies.  With a sarcastic (sometimes inappropriate) sense of humor that I'm told comes from my father, I like to keep things like and detest any sort of confrontation.  

Welp, that's me.  Now the blog....ahhhhhh the blog.  I've been asked a lot recently "why did you start a blog" cough thank you daddy who hasn't even bothered to read it yet cough, and the obvious answer is that I know you're all so fascinated by my awesome life that you're dying to know what I'm doing at all times.  Kidding. Or am I?  The blog was originally created as a way to get myself writing.  If I'm ever going to write that book my mother has been driving me crazy about then I need to write.  So far its been working out pretty well.  I didn't want to go into this blog thing blindly, so I figured I'd come up with some sort of subject for it to revolve around, hence, THE LIST.  THE LIST is a checklist for life, fun, and sometimes serious, things that I want to accomplish for my 25th birthday.  We'll see how it goes.